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You are enrolling on the course Safe Use of Pesticides

with the provider Hush Farms (

Price: £70.00 (£70.00. This E-Learning course provides training for the Safe Use of Pesticides Level 2 qualification. This is a knowledge-only course and you can access the information as often as you want. You will need to book your qualification assessment separately - details regarding this will be provided at the end of the course.)

Existing users

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New users

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Please ensure you enter a correct DOB for each learner as this helps consolidate all the learners history in one record, should they ever need to check anything.

“I completed the Health & Safety on Farms today and it was very, very good. Lantra website was easy to navigate around and the course itself was very informative. I will be booking the men on to do this course over the next few months!”

B. Barton, Barton & Co (Farmers) Ltd

Regulated and Accredited

We are recognised by the regulatory bodies Ofqual, SQA and Qualification Wales.

This means that you can be sure any of our qualifications are nationally recognised. Lantra is accredited by the British Standards Institution (BSI) for ISO 9001:2008 and ISMS 27001:2013 for Skills+.

Lantra is also recognised and accredited as an Investors in People Employer.
